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Changes in Store for Atmospheric Rivers

21 Dec, 2024

Communities up and down the West Coast of the United States can expect the potent storms known as atmospheric rivers to evolve as the climate warms. But residents in Southern California will see much different changes than residents in more northerly locations like Seattle.

New research, led by scientists at the U.S. National Science Foundation National Center for Atmospheric Research (NSF NCAR), found that warming conditions will increase evaporation of ocean waters and significantly alter atmospheric rivers to the south. Farther north, however, atmospheric rivers will be most influenced by rising temperatures in the ocean and atmosphere.

While such differing processes may seem arcane, they will have real-world consequences for millions of people. By 2100, for example, atmospheric rivers that strike the Pacific Northwest could increase flooding risks by temporarily raising the heights of ocean waters as much as three times more than current storms if society continues to emit greenhouse gases at a high rate. Residents of Southern California will also experience higher storm-driven waters, but not to the extent of those living farther north.

Read more at: National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

Photo Credit: Imaresz via Pixabay


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