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Study Shows Action to Eradicate Yellow-Legged (Asian) Hornet has Been Effective

14 Dec, 2024

A new study has shown that although the UK has suitable climate and habitat for the yellow-legged hornet, also known as the Asian hornet, effective action has prevented this voracious predator of pollinators from establishing here.

The invasive non-native species has devastated honeybee colonies in France and Italy.

It arrived in France in a container of pottery from China about 20 years ago, then spread rapidly across the continent, and was first seen in the UK in 2016. There have been regular sightings in the UK including 44 confirmed so far this year, mostly in Kent and East Sussex, but the National Bee Unit responds rapidly to reports, destroying the insects and nests found.

Photo Credit: Ralphs_Fotos via Pixabay


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